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Awards categories



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This award recognises the work of a multidisciplinary general practice team that has had a positive impact on the business of general practice and on improving patient outcomes. 

This award recognises an exceptional doctor working in the community or primary healthcarewho has made an outstanding contribution to their practice, team and patient health. 


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This award recognises excellence in community pharmacy. It rewards a community pharmacy that has shown it understands its customers’ needs, is well managed, innovative and engaged in the local community. 

This award recognises a community pharmacist who has made an outstanding contribution to customer health through their excellence in clinical pharmacy practice. 

This award recognises a qualified (level 5) technician who is a great performer. 

Individuals & teams

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A good sort is an ordinary person doing something extraordinary. This year’s good sort will be a person working in primary care who goes above and beyond paid employment to make people feel better. 

The winner of this prestigious award will be a person (not a team) working in primary healthcare who has made a stellar contribution to health and is an absolute inspiration to others. 

Green Cross Health



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This award recognises an exceptional nurse practitioner who has addressed the needs of vulnerable populations through a NP-led model of care or other significant body of work. 

This award recognises the exemplary work of a practice nurse where they have made an outstanding individual contribution to patient care in their practice. 


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This award recognises a creative individual who has been shown to have made a real and sustainable difference to key aspects of the business. 

Key health outcomes

These categories are open to all sectors of the primary healthcare industry

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This award recognises innovation and excellence in rehabilitation where a project or team has made a significant impact on reducing hospital admissions, increasing productivity, decreasing the need for care and/or enhancing health outcomes.

This award recognises a forward-thinking person or people who have made primary healthcare services significantly better through new ideas and initiatives. 

The winner of this award will show how the integrated initiative transformed care to produce better more equitable health outcomes and or how it used value based health care principles. 

This award recognises a primary healthcare individual, team or industry supplier that has harnessed the power of information technology and or telehealth to transform or enable a healthcare service. 

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This award recognises primary healthcare providers who have taken specific action to address health equity gaps in the populations they serve. 

This award recognises the achievements of a community based mental health programme or initiative that has made a significant positive impact on the lives of people with experiences of mental unwellness.

This award recognises the imaginative and effective design of a healthcare facility that contributes to improved patient/consumer experience, enhancing the model of care and supporting the practitioners who work in the space. 

This award recognises the outstanding achievement of a health service designed and delivered either for children and youth aged 10 to 25 years of age, or for people 65 years of age and over.

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This award recognises a significant high-quality piece of primary healthcare research, or education programme aimed at primary care providers/patients. 

This award recognises excellence in business acumen and achievement. The winner will be a business (or business owner/manager) that has focussed on achieving outstanding results for their primary care business. 

Southern Cross


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This award recognises the delivery and support of a product, service or campaign that achieved outstanding results for customers/patients. 

Supreme Award

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The best of the best. This award goes to the winner of all 21 winners on the night.


Enter the 2022 New Zealand Primary Healthcare Awards | He Tohu Mauri Ora 


Help us find and celebrate New Zealand’s primary care stars – from 1 October, you can enter or submit a nomination below.

NB: Entries are currently paused.
There are 21 award categories to enter. These span the primary healthcare sector, so before entering please take the time to read about the categories here:


2022 awards categories and descriptions


If you have any questions on the entry process,

please contact the organisers by email.

You may edit your entry after submitting it, up until the entry deadline.


Please make sure all your personal details are entered correctly, including your contact details, because these will be used if you are selected as a finalist.

You may enter as many categories as you like, but with separate entries and projects for each category.


Accident Compensatin Corporation ACC Logo


BDO Logo
Bluestar Logo
College of Nurses NZ Logo
Green Cross Heath GXH Logo
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Medispace Logo
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Ministry of Health MOH New Zealand Logo
Pharmacy Guild of New Zealand Logo
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Southern Cross Health Insurance Logo
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New Zealand Primary Healthcare Awards Logo
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